When I was at school my favourite subject was History. It is a very interesting science. It explains the development of human society. History helps us to understand and explain our past and present. If we don`t know our past, we can`t foresee our future. So I decided to become a historian and made up my mind to enter this faculty. I did my best and passed my entrance exams successfully. Now I am a first year student. There are a lot of historical subjects in our programme. This year we are going to study Archaeology, Ancient History, Russian History (the period of feudalism) and other social sciences. I know that I must work hard at all lectures, tutorials and seminars. Also I must read a lot of specialized literature and analyze it, because I want to become a good historian.

At the end of the first term we will take tests and exams. The second term will be more interesting, because we will take part in the students` conferences on historical topics and at the end of the second term we will have our practice. We will excavate in some parts of our region. It is really stirring and instructive. Besides the historical subjects we will study a lot of other branches of science. We will learn Russian and foreign languages, psychology, anatomy, pedagogics, philosophy and many others.

So my first year at the institute will be difficult, but very exciting. I am looking forward to my study. Maybe I`ll be a teacher or maybe I`ll decide to continue my education and become a research worker. I don`t know yet, but I am absolutely sure that I`d like to be an erudite, intelligent person, who is quite knowledgeable in social sciences.

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When I was at school my favourite subject was History. It is a very interesting science. It explains

AnnHaylen AnnHaylen    2   22.09.2021 16:42    31

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