Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: времена группы indefinite (present, past, future active& passive); глаголы to be, to have; конструкция there is, there are; все типы вопросов; степени сравнения прилагательных; модальные глаголы:
1. for the purposes of this article, the two terms may be considered synonymous.
2. in one respect the philosophers are right.
3. if we are to distinguish science from poetry, we must have a theory of verification or confirmation that tells us exactly how to make that distinction..
4. but we believe that science is also poetry, and - perhaps even more heretical - that discovery has its reasons, as poetry does..
5. we believe that finding order in the world must itself be a process impregnated with purpose and reason.
6. we may fail to find methods that account for discovery, or for the greater success of some would-be discoverers than of others, but we are free to look for them.
7. we believe that the proc¬ess of discovery can be described and modeled, and that there are better und worse routes to discovery - more and less efficient paths.

юра13t4 юра13t4    3   13.11.2019 20:45    6

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