PRESENT. We use modals of deduction to say how sure we are about something. In present modals of deduction are: must, might, may, could, can't. We use must when we feel sure that something is true because there’s very strong evidence:

He must live near here because he comes to work on foot. (We don’t know where he lives but we’re sure it’s not far away)

You are a computer programmer? It must be well-paid job.

We use might, may or could to say that we think something is possible but we’re not sure:

What do you know about him? He might be a reserved person.

They may be late on meeting.

Don't eat it! It could be poisoned!

We use can't/couldn't when we assume that something is not true:

He can't be in prison, I saw him yesterday in a pub.

They couldn't be in a library. It's closed today.

All modals of deduction in present depend on how certain you are about the fact.

Ex 1 p 32 Match the modals in bold to their meanings

Грызина Грызина    2   20.11.2020 07:29    1

илья20032101 илья20032101  20.12.2020 07:29

Термодинамиканың екінші заңы бойынша жылу салқын жүйеден жылы жүйеге берілуі қалай жүзеге асады?Жүйенің күйін сипаттайтын термодинамикалық параметрлерді анықта.

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екінші заңының бастамасын көрсет.

термодинамикалық процесте энергияның сақталуы

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