the pros and cons ofthe major advertising media
there are many different ways in which an advertiser's message can be communicated to his or
her audience. in the states, as well as most other developed countries, newspapers still attract the
largest share of the total advertising budget, with television, radio, direct mail and magazines
accounting for most of the rest. other media such as billboards, yellow pages, videotext and
telemarketing, although growing steadily, still account for a relatively small part of the amount
spent on advertising. each medium, of course, has its own strengths and weaknesses, and a
prospective advertiser would do well to consider these when devising the company's adventure
the main advantage of newspaper advertising is its broad reach, getting through to a wide
spectrum of the population. there's permanence which you don't have with the electronic met
and an all-year-roundreadership which makes longterm strategies feasible. regional newspapers
also offer the advantages of geographical selectivity and flexibility. on the other hand,
newspapers usually don't offer colour, and if they do the availability is limited and veryofien of
mediocre quality. most newspapers offer little in the way of demographic selectivity, which can
make precise targeting very tricky,
television's main appeal is that it offers a combination of sight and sound, which opens up an
almost infinite range of creative possibilities. furthermore, images can be broadcast very
frequently and, like newspapers, to a very broad target. the chief disadvantage, of course, is the
high cost of production and air time. the message tends to be short-livedand is often nat seen a
all as many viewers now have dvds and skip over the advertisements,
direct mail campaigns or mail shots as they're otherwise known, rely on mailing lists containing
the names of likely prospects. obviously, the more specific the list, the more effective the
campaign is likely to be - and some lists are very specific, for example, a list might contain the
names of all the female shareholders between the ages of 40 and 65 in a particular geographical
area and this makes targeting specific prospects much casier. direct mail also has the ability to
saturate a specific arca quickly using a style and format that offers enormous flexibility, on the
minus side, however, direct mail often meets with a certain amount of consumer resistance. it's
also relatively expensive per exposure.
radio offers the advantages of low cost and large potential audience. as with television,
advertisers can select the stations and times favoured by the audience they want to reach but he
television viewers, listeners can easily switch stations when the advertisements come on. even
they don't switch stations, there's a tendency for people to use toe radio for background sound
and ignore the advertisements, maybe it's because radio doesn't offer any visual possibilities.
magazines differ from newspapers in several respects, firstly, they tend to be kept much long
sometimes for several weeks or months, and are often passed forom person to person. second),
the quality of the reproduction is much better, which means advertisers can show their product
accurately and create a quality image. thirdly, special interest magazines offer greater selectivity
in reaching specific market segments. however, the costs tend to be high and the campaign
usually has to be prepared a long time in advance.

hameleon5 hameleon5    3   19.09.2019 22:43    7

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