Hello, (укажите имя кому пишемо) I hope you are well.I want write about my family. My family is/isn't large (большая или нет). I have morher, father,sister/brother(сестра, брат). My mother's name is(имя мамы)My mother is a housewife. My father's name... (имя папы)My father is builder.I love my family.
I hope you are well.I want write about my family. My family is/isn't large (большая или нет). I have morher, father,sister/brother(сестра, брат). My mother's name is(имя мамы)My mother is a housewife. My father's name... (имя папы)My father is builder.I love my family.
A lots of love!
(ваше имя)