Выберите верный вариант ( запиши только букву правильного ответа)

1.The boys don't have……………. a) boots b) high heels c)trainers

2.In winter we wear ………………..a) coat b) shirts c) high heels

3. In sunny weather we have got a) raincoat b) coat c) cap

4.In rainy weather we have got a) umbrella b) suit c) scarf

5.The boys can wear ……..a)dress b) blouse and skirt c) suit

2)Выберите лишнее слово. (тольк запиши )

1. cold, cloudy, hat, windy

2. summer, winter, sunny, spring

3. April, August, March, May

4. cold,leaves,warm,hot

3)Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени (Present Simple/Present Continuous). Запиши только цифру и пропущенные слова в нужном времени.

Например : 1) is playing; does not play

Look! Tom(play) tennis. Usually he (not/play) tennis.

Listen! Mary (sing). She (not/sing) often.

he usually (watch) DVD? He usually (not/watch) DVD, he usually (watch) TV. But at the moment he (watch) DVDs.

I sometimes (like) playing computer games. My computer favourite game is Cut the Rope. Right now I(play) it.

you often (paint)? No, I. But Ioften (not/pait). I (like) drawing with coloured pencils.

Tom and Mary usually(not/drink) coffee.they often (drink) tea? Yes, they . Right now they (drink) green tea.

Tom and Sally (have/breakfast) now? No, they. They (have/breakfast) right now, they (have/lunch). They always (have/lunch) at 11 o’clock.

nicishcina nicishcina    1   14.05.2020 08:32    17

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