Выберите: some, any, a или an
This is apple
There is rice in the bowl
I haven’t got potatoes in my fridge
Have you got biscuits?
There is tea in my cup
This is carrot
Do you want banana?
I would like milk
There isn’t olive oil in the bottle
I would like cake
There isn’t ice cream in the supermarket
Have you got chocolate?
I’ve got eggs for my pancakes
This is pineapple
These are grapes

khadarin1977 khadarin1977    1   20.03.2020 19:17    1

даха144 даха144  12.10.2020 01:59

1. An

2. Some

3. Any

4. Any

5. Some

6. A

7. A

8. Some

9. Some

10. A

11. Some

12. Some

13. Any

14. A

15. Some

Объяснение: some используется с не исчисляемыми, any наоборот. Если слово начинается с гласной, то ставится артикль AN, чтобы отделить две гласные друг от друга, если с согласной, то артикль будет A

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