Выберете из этих слов нужное : old fast long deep many tall high big often и запишите в пропуски этих предложений : 1.How_is the river Thames?
2.How_is your Internet connection?
3.How_is Mount Everest?
4.How_is your grandmother?
5.How_is Lake Baikal?
6.How_did you go to the museum?
7.How_is that road. Can this lorry pass along it?
8.How_is the memory on your phone? ​

missrayn1324 missrayn1324    3   16.12.2020 21:33    1

geragyy geragyy  15.01.2021 21:34

1.How long is the river Thames?

2.How fasf is your Internet connection?

3.How tall is Mount Everest?

4.How old is your grandmother?

5.How deep is Lake Baikal?

6.How often did you go to the museum?

7.How many is that road. Can this lorry pass along it?

8.How big is the memory on your phone? ​


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