Вставьте в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова.
1. What’s the matter with you, Sam?
2. I (1) bad. I’ve got a (2) nose and a (3) .
3. Have you (4) a cough?
4. - No, only a (5) throat.
5. Well, my dear, I think you’ve got (6) . Stay in bed, take (7) and
you feel (8) in few days.
6. Shall I go (9) school tomorrow?
7. -No, you should (10) in bed for two days.
8. It’s great. Tomorrow the Olympic Games will begin and I can (11)
sports from morning till night.

pocemonpickachu pocemonpickachu    3   18.05.2020 11:14    5

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