вставьте Some, any, no. 1. We've got questions. Everything is clear. 2. It's au- flowers in my garden. 3. She works weather. 4. Would you like tumn. There aren't in her garden in mineral water? 5. I've just made coffee. Do you want problems in business? – No, spelling mis- ? 6. Are there there aren't 7.- Do you make 8. Could you give us . 9. There is malade left. I have to buy a jar or two. 10. There is petrol in the tank, but not much. I'm going to buy Yes, I make matches? We haven't got takes? – mar- changes in my life. They are very . mistakes in the dictation. It's money? – I'm sorry, money with me today. 14. There are more. 11. There are important. 12. There are excellent! 13. – Can you lend me but I haven't got flowers in this shop, but there aren't roses. money. 16. There isn't chalk. 15. He left his children without progress in your study. 17. We need There isn't on the desk.​

lesikon11 lesikon11    3   12.03.2021 16:45    100

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