Вставьте нужный предлог The population of Adygea is … 463.000 people. Maykop is home … one-third of the republic's population. the republic is divided … two urban districts, Maykop was founded … May, 1857. Guzeripl is located … the territory of Adygeya Republic. The center of Maykop is formed … Drouzhba. Local trains carry passengers … the coast … the Black Sea The republic is rich … oil and natural gas

Lollladka1 Lollladka1    2   09.06.2020 14:08    6

Arisha2544 Arisha2544  15.10.2020 13:30

The population of Adygea is about 463.000

Maykop is home for one-third of the republic's population.

the republic is divided into two urban districts

Maykop was founded on May, 1857

Guzeripl is located in the territory of Adygeya Republic.

The center of Maykop is formed by Drouzhba

Local trains carry passengers on the coast of the Black Sea

The republic is rich with oil and natural gas


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