Составьте словосочетания из данных слов и запишите. Определите главном и зависимFill in the blanks with “IS” or “ISN’T”. Name:Chris
Age: 15
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Age: 8
Height: 135 cm
Weight: 33 kg
Age: 15
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Age: 8
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 45 kg
1. Stewie as young as John. 6. Mike older than John
2. Chris as tall as Mike. 7. Chris fatter than Mike.
3. John as old as Chris. 8. John taller than Stewie.
4. Chris taller than John. 9. Stewie older than Chris.
5. John as young as Stewie. 10. Mike fatter than Chris.
1. Stewie IS as young as John. 6. Mike IS older than John
2. Chris ISN'T as tall as Mike. 7. Chris ISN'T fatter than Mike.
3. John ISN'T as old as Chris. 8. John IS taller than Stewie.
4. Chris ISN'T taller than John. 9. Stewie ISN'T older than Chris.
5. John IS as young as Stewie. 10. Mike IS fatter than Chris.