Вставьте глагол в нужной форме. 1. if my mom buy the tickets, we … (to go) to the zoo. 2. my granny … (to visit) us if she feels ok. 3. i will write this test if i … (to learn) the rules. 4. if it … (to rains) tomorrow, we will stay at home. 5. if she … (to pass) the exam, she … (to enter) the university. 6. if you … (to eat) bad food, your health … (to become) worse. 7. if babies … (to be) hungry, they … (to cry). 8. if we … (to be) late for school, our teacher … (to get) angry. 9. if you … (to be) free, i … (to come) to see you. 10. if my friend … (to come) to see me, i … (to be) very glad. 11. if the weather is fine, we … (to go) for a picnic. 12. if you … (not do) exercise, you (to get) bad mark. 13. if you … (to help) me, i … (to be) grateful. 14. when i … (to come) home, i … (to watch) tv. 15. if you (to heat) ice, it (to melt). 16. if i miss the plane today, i … (to stay) at home. 17. we … (to go) to the cinema if she (to come). 18. if he (to study), he … (to pass) the exam. 19. if the weather is good, we … (to walk) our dogs in the park. 20. if a cat … (see) a dog, he … (run) away.

wiiiikkkkaaa wiiiikkkkaaa    2   29.09.2019 06:50    0

Shmanin32 Shmanin32  09.10.2020 02:10
if my mom buys the tickets, we will go to the zoomy granny will visit us if she feels ok i will write this test if i learn the rules if it rains tomorrow, we will stay at homeif she passes the exam , she will enter the universityif you eat bad food, your health becomes worse (zero conditional)if babies are hungry, they cry (zero conditional)if we are late for school, our teacher will get angry if you are free, i will come to see youif my friend comes to see me, i will be very gladif the weather is fine, we will go for a picnic if you don't exercise, you will get bad markif you help me, i will be gratefulwhen i come home, i will watch tvif you heat ice, it melts (zero conditional)if i miss the plane today, i will stay at home we will go to the cinema if she comes if he studies, he will pass the examif the weather is good, we will walk our dogs in the parkif a cat sees a dog, he ( <-- должно быть it) runs away (zero conditional)
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