составить краткий пересказ The SHARK WHISPERER.

Stuart Cove takes Adam Higginbotham under the waves to meet his killer cast.

Stuart Cove kneels on the sandy seabed. One hand rests on a plastic crate filled with chopped fish. When he opens the crate to spear the first piece, perhaps 20 reef sharks appear in the water around us. Twenty minutes later all the fish have gone and the sharks drift away. Over the past 25 years, Stuart has captured and manipulated sharks into various scenes. Tiger sharks are big and aggressive and frequently responsible for attacking humans, but when captured or placed under stress they struggle, but then become calm as if they are half asleep. The sharks can then be released and manipulated for the shot and this is when Stuart steps in.

Stuart's work includes three James Bond films, one Jaws sequel and even a TV advert for a Japanese toothpaste which involved getting a

uliamykytyn uliamykytyn    1   25.11.2021 08:31    128

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