Утворіть питальні та заперечні речення. 1. you know the answer. 2. he has breakfast at 8.00. 3. he loves her. 4. some pupils wear uniforms. 5. he trusts you. 6. the park closes at dusk. 7. he misses his mother. 8. the children like sweets. 9. he finishes work at 6.00. 10. he lives beside the sea. 11. this stove heats the water. 12. he usually believes you. 13. she plays chess very well.14. he leaves home at 8.00 every day. 15. ann arranges everything. 16. she agrees with you.17. their dogs bark all night. 18. their neighbours often complain. 19. tom enjoys driving at night. 20. tom looks very well. 21. they sell fresh grape juice here. 22. he charges more than other photographers. 23. the last train leaves at midnight. 24. he relaxes at weekends. 25. she refuses to discuss it.. утворіть питальні та заперечні речення. 1. she saw your brother. 2. we heard a terrible noise. 3. he slept till 10.00. 4. he looked at the picture. 5. they drank all the wine. 6. they set out early enough. 7. she thought about it. 8. the police caught the thief. 9. he hid the letter. 10. she found her watch. 11. my mother chose this hotel. 12. she lent you enough money. 13. keiko taught japanese. 14. tom hurt his foot. 15. he broke his arm. 16. his wife came at 8.00. 17. he lost his wallet. 18. his son wrote a novel. 19. they flew to new york. 20. ann drew you a map. 21. tom laid the table. 22. mr. pitt fell downstairs. 23. she lost her way. 24. he forbade her leave. 25. i sent it to the laundry. 26. jack kept the money. 27. he rode slowly. 28. they spent it all. 29. she sold the car. 30. jean rang the bell. 31. the sun rose at 6.00. 32. the boys ran home. 33. he shook the bottle. 34. he forgave her.

kobyarova2001 kobyarova2001    2   08.07.2019 03:30    4

zhansaya77 zhansaya77  02.10.2020 22:40
1.Do you know the answer? You don't know the answer.
2.Does he have breakfast at 8.00? He hasn't breakfast at 8/00.
3.Does he love her? He doesn't love her.
4.Do some pupils wear uniforms? Some puplis dom't wear uniforms.
5.Does he trust you? He doesn't trust you.
6.Does the park close at dusk? The park doesn't cloes at dusk.
Короче, вот схема---> Do/does/did (если he, she, it, то DOES, если I,you,they,we, то время), далее идет подлежащее - предмет, выполняющий действие , ну и остальная часть, вопросительный знак - ЭТО ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ВОПРОСИТЕЛЬНЫХ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ. Теперь ОТРИЦАНИЕ - просто заменяешь DO-DON'T, DOES-DOESN'T, DID-DIDN'T 
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