Упражнение 1.
Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. Kate said: “Don’t forget to thank Mrs. Smith!”.
2. She said to us: “Let’s meet tomorrow.”
3. Mother said to me: “Don’t go far.”
4. Mike said to Robert: “Write me a letter as soon as you can.”
5. “Please call me later, Sam,” said Bob.
Упражнение 2.
Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. “I don’t go to this mall very often,” she said.
2. John said: “I’m going to buy this flat on the sixth floor.”
3. Mathew said: “I met them at my friend’s party last month.”
4. Ann said: “We have read these books today.”
5. The professor said to us: “We will discuss this essay next week.”
Упражнение 3.
Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. He asked me if Ted had been sick yesterday.
2. I asked the woman how long she had been to Moscow.
3. We asked Ben if his father was still in our town.
4. I asked the girl where she had lived two years ago.
5. I asked if they had gone to new shop.
Упражнение 4.
Передайте следующие во в косвенной речи.
1. I said to her: “How long are your parents going to stay in London?”
2. He asked Ron: “Where do you live?”
3. Sam asked Nick: “Where were you yesterday?”
4. Mike asked me: “Are you French or Italian?”
5. Jane said to her friend: “When did Jack come here?”

nikitoschenko nikitoschenko    2   30.04.2020 12:47    1

amdv amdv  30.04.2020 15:30


За даними поняттями складіть таблицю «Поведінка тварин»

1Поведінка тварин 4) Форми поведінки

2) Типи поведінкових реакцій 5) Вроджені реакції

3) Репродуктивна поведінка 6) Соціальна поведінка

7)Набуті реакції

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