Употребите глаголы данные в скобках, в present, past или future indefinite (simple) tenses/ предложения переведите 1) oscar wild and bernard shaw (to be) the most british writers 2) what time this museum (to open)? 3) who (to meet) your at the station yesterday? 4) when the weather (to get) warmer, i (to go) for a picnic again. 5) she (not to speak) french. 6) if you (to feel) better this afternoon, we (to drive) to the coast. 7) he ( not to meet) us at the station yesterday 8) the weather (to be) good when we (to be) on holiday last year. 9) how many cigarettes a day you ( to smoke)? 10) if he ( to call) on me tomorrow, i ( to help) him to translate this article.

КрохаДи КрохаДи    3   26.08.2019 10:50    1

qwerty54321 qwerty54321  20.08.2020 15:53
1) are - там ошибка. Пропущено слово famous. Уайлд и Шоу самые знаменитые британские писатели.
2. what time does this museum open? 
3, who met yoy...
4. gets, will go
5. does not 
6. feel, will drive
7. didn't meet
8. was, had been
9, do you
10. calls, shall help
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