Укого хорошо с . переведите не по переводчику. у меня в комнате есть письменный стол. у нас в классе пятнадцать парт. у доски стоит еще стол учителя. в кухне есть стол.там мы завтракаем. я не вижу стола. где мы будем обедать?
My room has a desk. we have in the classroom fifteen desks. Inthe board is still teacher's desk. The kitchen has stol.tam we have breakfast. I do not see the table. Where are we going to dinner?
I have a desk in me room. There are fifteen desks in our classroom. There is also a teachers desk near the board. There is a table in the kitchen where we have breakfast. I can't see the table. Where are we going to have lunch?