Укажите номера пропущенных слов. 1 Cereals rich in protein are essential for the ... of a human being. 2 It is necessary
to include into the human diet foods that ... proteins. 3 There are three kinds of
proteins that are ... for a body. 4 One of the best ... of vitamins are fruit and
vegetables. 5 It is essential for people to consume various foods of great ... . 6
This substance is more ... in nature than that one. 7 0ne must remember that
proteins are of both plant and animal ... . 8 The classification of proteins is based
upon their ability ... normal growth and to ... life. 9 It is possible to say that the
importance of food ... in proteins for the human diet cannot be overestimated. 10
Proteins ... in the kind and number of amino acids present.

1 complex, 2 nutritive value, 3 vary, 4 origin, 5 high, 6 nutrition, 7 to support, maintain 8
contain, 9 essential, 10 sources

thetrueraincorn thetrueraincorn    1   24.11.2020 22:04    13

Fosa1 Fosa1  24.11.2020 22:10

1. complex, 2. nutritive value, 3. vary, 4. origin, 5. high, 6. nutrition, 7. to support, maintain 8. contain, 9. essential, 10. sources


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