Твір на тему мій перший спорт на англійській мові​

янина1511 янина1511    3   23.11.2020 22:20    5

Pipisk Pipisk  23.12.2020 22:22

My favorite sport is volleyball. It is in this sport that I am extremely beautiful and agile. Volleyball for me is not just a hobby, it is my life, without which I would not be just bored, it would be just uninteresting to live and I would grow up lazy and physically underdeveloped. Volleyball is a very interesting sport, and there, in principle, as in all games, have their own rules that must be obeyed. In volleyball you need to be not just fast, you need to be agile and have a fairly well-developed reaction. The reaction is important, at least because if you do not want to get on the face will need to catch the ball quickly and immediately.

Volleyball is a very interesting sport, and it does not seem so difficult if you know how to play it. The game is simple, the rules are such that the minimum number of players is six. Three are on one side and the other three are on the other side of the volleyball net. Each player must follow the rules of the game and know his exact place. Otherwise the game will not work.

I play volleyball most often at school, but even earlier I went to a special sports section. Volleyball is an important part of my life. I play it quite a lot, so it seems to me that I am an extraordinary professional - an expert in this field.

Source: An essay on My favorite sport

Uuuuuu2006 Uuuuuu2006  23.12.2020 22:22


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