These sentences sound unnatural in the active.rewrite them using the passive. they built our house in the 17thcentury. someone’s decorating my flat at the moment. has someone fixed the coffee machine yet? we ate in restaurants while they were building a new kitchen. while the new we arrived at work to find out that someone had burgled our office. they won’t recognize her in those dark gl

ОстановитеЭтотМир ОстановитеЭтотМир    1   24.07.2019 23:50    6

alevtinatian alevtinatian  24.09.2020 09:18
Our house was built in the 17th century
My flat is being decorated at the moment
Has the coffee machine been fixed yet?
We ate in restaurants while a new kitchen was being built
We arrived at work to find out that our office had been burgled.
She won't be recogized in those dark gl(asses)
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