The Internet is a magnificent global network with millions and millions of computers and people connected to one another where each day people worldwide
exchange an immeasurable amount of information, electronic mail, news,
resources and, more important, ideas.
It has grown at a surprising rate. Almost everyone has heard about it and an
increasing number of people use it regularly. The current estimate is that over 70
million people are connected, in some way, to the Internet – whether they know it
or not.
With a few touches at a keyboard a person can get access to materials in
almost everywhere. One can have access to full-text newspapers, magazines,
journals, reference works, and even books. The Web is one of the best resources
for up-to-date information. It is a hypertext-based system by which you can
navigate through the Internet. Hypertext is the text that contains links to other
documents. A special program known as «browser» can help you find news,
pictures, virtual museums, electronic magazines, etc. and print Web pages. You
can also click on keywords or buttons that take you to other pages or other Web
sites. This is possible because browsers understand hypertext markup language or
code, a set commands to indicate how a Web page is formatted and displayed.
Internet Video conferencing programmes enable users to talk to and see each
other, exchange textual and graphical information, and collaborate.
Internet TV sets allow you to surf the Web and have e-mail while you are
watching TV, or vice versa. Imagine watching a film on TV and simultaneously
accessing a Web site where you get information on the actors of the film. The next
generation of Internet-enabled televisions will incorporate a smart-card for home
shopping, banking and other interactive services. Internet-enabled TV means a TV
set used as an Internet device.
The Internet is a good example of a wide area network (WAN). For longdistance or worldwide communications computers are usually connected into a
wide area network to form a single integrated network. Networks can be linked
together by telephone lines or fibre-optic cables. Modern telecommunication
systems use fibre-optic cables because they offer considerable advantages. The
cables require little physical space, they are safe as they don't carry electricity, and
they avoid electromagnetic interference.
Networks on different continents can also be connected via satellites.
Computers are connected by means of a modem to ordinary telephone lines or
fibre-optic cables, which are linked to a dish aerial. Communication satellites
receive and send signals on a transcontinental scale.

1. Match the words to make up sentences about internet application:
1. dish access
2. to be connected information
3. electromagnetic through
4. worldwide markup language
5. wide area information
6. to get … via
7. hypertext communications
8. to navigate interference
9. up-to-date network
10. to get aerial
11. smart ………………………….card

сымбат59 сымбат59    3   17.11.2020 14:30    352

Matvey0203 Matvey0203  14.01.2024 15:05
1. dish access - To get access via a dish aerial.
2. to be connected information - To be connected through information.
3. electromagnetic through - Electromagnetic interference.
4. worldwide markup language - Hypertext markup language.
5. wide area information - Wide area network.
6. to get … via - To get information via the Internet.
7. hypertext communications - To navigate through hypertext.
8. to navigate interference - To navigate through electromagnetic interference.
9. up-to-date network - Up-to-date information network.
10. to get aerial - To get access via an aerial.
11. smart ………………………….card - Smart-card for interactive services.
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