The college built/ 1vas built in t he 16th century. 1 The costun1es for the shov.r are rnaking /are beins 1nade

by hand.

2 The landscape inspired / was inspired hin1 to vvrite a


3 This castle hasn't inhabited/ hasn't been inhabited for

nearly a century.

4 T he d irector's last fi lrn set/ is set in the present.

5 T he fi ln1 1vill shoot / 1vil I be shot in the autumn.

6 T he actors aren't recordin3 / are11 't bein8 recorded the

dia logue unti I next \veek.

7 The house 1vasn't usin8 / 1.vasn't bein& used by the C)\vners

d uring the \vinter.

8 T he make-up artist has transforrned / has been

traniforn1ed the actor into a nlonster.

9 T hey hadn't 01vned / hadn't been 01vned the cornpa ny for

very long before they \vent bankrupt.

10 T he photo took/ 1vas taken by nly husband on t he

balcony of o ur hotel. ​

влад2253 влад2253    1   27.01.2021 13:42    21

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