Выбери правильный вариант от
Іьный вариант ответа. Запиши предложение полностью в тетрадь.
e.g. He at the party last night.
a sings
O sang
11 a new dress yesterday.
a buy
b bought
2 They didn't the game.
a win
b won
3 Who is the pupil in the
a cleverer b cleverest
4 We to the funfair two
days ago
a go
b went
5 Kathy is the girl in the
in the
a pretty b prettiest
6 Did you Paul at the
hospital yesterday?
a meet b met
7 Liz - a letter to Ken a
week ago.
b writes
8 Ricky was the boy in his
a strongest b stronger
9 The boys a camel at the
zoo last summer.
a rode bride
10 My brother Tom didn't
for his school team.
a swam b swim