Test 'Infinitive - Gerund’ Выбрать из скобок инфинитив или герундий в соответствии с глаголом, который стоит перед скобками.
1. What does Steve want (to do/doing)
2. Will you stop (to make/making) so much noise, boys?
3. Greg enjoys (to walk/walking) in the rain.
4. The agreed (to take/taking) me to his place by car.
5. Mel avoids (to answer/answering) the phone.
6. She has decided (to have/having) a break.
7. Don't forget (to close/closing) the door.
8. Would you mind (to tell/telling) me how the lift works?
9. Harry looks so funny that I can't help (to laugh/laughing).
10. My dad promised (to buy/buying) me a bicycle.
11. We stopped (to admire/admiring) the scenery.
12. He can't afford (to hire/hiring) a taxi every day.
13. I offered (to pay/paying) for the meal.
14. But she refused (to accept/accepting) my offer.
15. I hope (to go/going) to Oslo.
16. My younger sister can't stop (to eat/eating) sweets.
17. We suggest (to call/calling) a taxi so we won't be late.
18. She goes on (to make/making) dinner.
19. In the end of the day I just need (to have/having) a rest.
20. The buyers want (to know/knowing) our terms of payment.
21. Our sportsmen are proud of (to win/winning) the Cup.
22. Ingrid arranged (to get/getting) a job.
23. I forgot (to let/letting) you know.
24. My father is fond of (to listen/listening) to jazz music.
25. The rain began (to pour/pouring).
26. My granny doesn't mention (to have/having) a brother.
27. I'm not in a hurry. I don't mind (to wait/waiting).
28. She asked me (to read/reading) the letter carefully.
29. Jake wants (to take/taking) his father to the concert.
30. I'm tired of (to carry/carrying) this bag.
31. Have you already finished (to wash/washing) your hair?
32. Sarah gives up (to find/finding) a job in this country.
33. So she decided (to move/moving) abroad.
34. His son intends (to enter/entering) the University.
35. This woman expects (to have/having) a baby.
36. Kyle denied (to know/knowing) Jessica.
37. We help our granddad (to plant/planting) some vegetables in the garden.
38. The chef demands (to cook/cooking) a new dish.
39. The students discuss (to visit/visiting) the Grand Canyon.
40. Mike practices (to speak/speaking) French.

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