Task 3. Complete each sentence (A—H) with one of the endings (1-8): Завдання: поєднати речення (А - Н) з їхнім закінченнями (1-8) Відповідь в зошит записати таким чином: А1, В2, С3 A. Teenagers are greatly worried about B. The term first came into prominence C. Pop music, ultra-modern clothes, noisy parties and children's wish to have more freedom become D. According to the older generation teenagers are E. 'Generation gap' is a popular term used to describe F.Besides they have constant pressure from betters and elders G. The more time adults and children spend together, the more they talk and discuss different things H. Despite the great changes in the electronic and technological environment in the last several decades 1. their appearance, relations with friends, parents and teachers, the way other people treat them. 2. the better they understand each other. 3. big differences between people of a younger generation and their elders. 4. a defined gap does not separate today's generations as it did in the sixties and seventies. 5. in Western countries during the 1960s. 6. lazy, carefree, ungrateful, impolite and rude. 7. a stumbling-block on the way of mutual understanding between adults and their offspring. 8. as to how they should act, behave, look and feel.

Masuki Masuki    1   24.11.2021 05:33    35

хорош16 хорош16  21.12.2023 18:13
A - 3 (big differences between people of a younger generation and their elders)
B - 1 (their appearance, relations with friends, parents and teachers, the way other people treat them)
C - 7 (a stumbling-block on the way of mutual understanding between adults and their offspring)
D - 6 (lazy, carefree, ungrateful, impolite and rude)
E - 4 (a defined gap does not separate today's generations as it did in the sixties and seventies)
F - 5 (in Western countries during the 1960s)
G - 2 (the more time adults and children spend together, the more they talk and discuss different things)
H - 8 (as to how they should act, behave, look and feel)


A - The sentence talks about the big differences between teenagers and their elders.

B - The sentence mentions what teenagers are worried about, including their appearance, relationships, and how others treat them.

C - This sentence explains that the generation gap is a hindrance to understanding between adults and their children.

D - According to the older generation, teenagers are lazy, carefree, ungrateful, impolite, and rude.

E - The sentence states that the generation gap doesn't separate today's generations as much as it did in the past.

F - It is mentioned that the term "generation gap" originated in Western countries during the 1960s.

G - This sentence explains that the more time adults and children spend together, the better they understand each other.

H - Despite the changes in technology, there are still expectations for teenagers on how they should act, behave, look, and feel.
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