Task 2. Read the rule. Correct the mistakes as in the example. The rule (npoluno) When/If + present simple, future simple/continuous
When she calls me, I will be doing my homework. Когда она мне позвонит, я
буду делать домашнюю работу.
If you say this to my mum, I won't talk to you. Echu mál ckaxkewb amo moeŭ
маме, я перестану с тобой разговаривать.
Обратите внимание на англ в первой части настоящее всегда после
if/whеn, во второй — будущее, а на русском все переводится на бурущее!
Example: When you come home, I am there when you come home, I will be
1) If you go earlier, I took you to the centre.
2) When we will do our test, you will help mel
3) When my mum cooks the dinner, we goed to eat.
4) If Liza don't walk a dog, you will do it for her
5) When our teacher comes, we will sang Happy Birthday!".
1) If you go earlier, I will take you to the centre.
2) When we do our test, you will help me.
3) When my mum cooks the dinner, we will go to eat.
4) If Liza doesn't walk a dog, you will do it for her.
5) When our teacher comes, we will sing Happy Birthday.