TASK 2. Find infinitives in the sentences below and define their forms. The first one is done for you. Translate the sentences into your mother tongue. You must be careful with Dinny, otherwise you can find yourself in a trap. – NPA

"Come along, Imogen," said Winifred, "we must be getting back."

You must have noticed her there; she was the only one wearing a bright red dress.

She can’t have been that naïve! The whole thing must have been going on under her eyes!

She's like a beautiful exotic flower that must be sheltered from bitter winds.

This meeting, Edwina realized, must have been planned several hours ago.

‘I want to know how long we are expected to wait’. – ‘Don’t make a fuss. We must have been waiting for only a couple of minutes.’

Derek seemed to be weighing something in his mind.

You know how I hate to interfere in other people's business.

I considered myself to be standing much higher than all my fellow-workers.

Was the object attached to anything? No wires or anything? I mean, someone couldn't have been having a joke or something?

He seemed to have taken his defeat quietly.

I rang the bell and the man answered with remarkable promptness; he seemed to have been waiting for it to ring.

Martin had in the meantime made himself as comfortable as circumstances would permit.

I’d rather be told the truth than be lied to.

Jennifer was known to have had a quick temper.

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