Task 11. Fill in the missing words in the text: form, employs, laser, adapted, data, advanced, letter-quality, impact, ink-jet, written, dot-matrix, characters, output.
A printer is a computer 1. device that displays information on paper. The information can be in the form of 2. script, numerical 3. or graphics. Printers can produce 4. print, like a typewriter. There are two main types of printers: 5. printers and 6. printers. Dotmatrix printer 7. a matrix of small pegs that, hit from behind, 8. a series of dots on paper. The dot-matrix printer can 9. __ a wide variety of 10. as well as graphics. Ink-jet printers can be 11. to complex colour printing. The more 12. type of printers is the 13. printer which is capable of both black and white and colour printing.