Task 1. Give the definition for the following (using active vocabulary from our theme): Task 1. Give the definition for the following (using active vocabulary from our theme):

1.the process of teaching or leaning, usually in a school or college (education).

2. to go to (school) (attend).

3. a school for children between 3 and 5 years old that prepare them for school – kindergarten (nursery school)

4.a school for children between the ages 7 to 11 – (primary school)

5. a school for children between the ages of 11 to 16 – (secondary school)

6. a set of clothes that school children wear so that they all look the same (school uniform).

7. an organization for people who have the same interest or enjoy similar activities – (club)

8. to get good results for exams – (to pass exams)

Task 2. true or false

1. Education is compulsory from the age of three in Britain. (false)

2. Children stay at secondary school to the age of 18. (false)

3. At the age of 16 students take an examination called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). (true)

4. Private schools are free of charge for British children. (true)

5. Most children start primary school at the age of 5. (true)

6. Most schools are mixed both for girls and boys. (true)

7. Every British child must stay at school from the age of 5 until they are 16. (true)

8. At the end of each stage of education students take A-Level exams. (false –at the age of 18, at the end of the 6th form)

9. At the age of 11 pupils get General Certificate of Secondary Education. (false)

10. Students may receive grants from their Local Education Authority (true)

11. Medicine and dentistry courses are shorter (2-3years)

12.Many British students learn a foreign language from the age of 7. (false –from the age of 11)

13.Most British students study French, but Spanish and Italian are also popular. (true)

14.Students have a break for lunch for an hour. (true)

15.The lessons finish at 6 o’clock in the afternoon. (false – at 4 o’clock)

16.There are a lot of extracurricular classes in British schools. (true)

Task3. Teacher: Now let’s revise the vocabulary. Find a pair.

1.to attend a) secondary school

2.compulsory b) higher education

3.to pass c) education

4.elementary d) opportunities

5.certificate e) classes

6.further f) exams

7.a wide range of g) education

8.preparatory h) of complete secondary education

9.to prepare for i) school

10.senior j) a state school​

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