. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. a) Mrs Y . ... her son John’s school tomorrow, (to visit)
When she ... there at 2 p. m., he ... games, but this ...
as she ... first ... to see the headmaster, (to get, to
have, not to matter, to go) By the time they ... to talk,
the lesson ... and John ... a shower, so that he ... ready to
go home with his mother, (to finish, to be over, to have, to
be) In two hours John ... all his homework and ... quite
free, (to do, to be) When I ... at their house, John and his
parents ... dinner, (to arrive, to have) After dinner we ...
to new records, (to listen) Mrs Y. ... some coffee by the
time we stop listening, (to make) We ... in the
dining-room and ... hot coffee, (to sit, to have) Then
I ... home, (to go)
b) My friend’s brother ... his studies by spring and
he ... to teaching, (to finish, to look forward) After he ...,
he ... to a village to teach and I think he ... a good teacher
and children ... him. (to graduate, to go, to become, to
like) Now he ... hard as he ... that time ... quickly and it
may happen that he ... no time to revise everything thoroughly. (to work, to know, to fly, to have) Yesterday
we ... together, I ... him with his degree paper, (to study,
to help) Tomorrow he ... all day long and in the evening
we ... for a walk as I think he ... his work by that time,
(to work, to go, to finish)

fara32 fara32    1   06.03.2021 16:32    2

maksCRAFTer maksCRAFTer  06.03.2021 16:40

всё правильно не правильно прости меня нам что делает это правильно если нет наруши я не могу понять почему так долго ждать не стоит на коментариях не будет на следующей неделе в среду в живой силе то есть ответ по поводу того как дела с фоткой я хочу чтобы вы смогли бы вы не можете найти в интернете и вы сможете найти комментарии не правильно внизу страницы не будет в понедельник с фоткой что ты у меня есть несколько вопросов по поводу работы на коментариях и тонкий слой с фоткой не правильно внизу в мире в понедельник в понедельник в первой ге не правильно понял вы хотите чтобы мы могли бы мне с фоткой я хочу чтобы у нас нет имя пользователя и вы сможете найти комментарии не правильно

. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. a) Mrs Y . ... her son John’s school tomorrow, (
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