1. I won’t finish it on time unless you………… (help) me.

2. If I had another puncture, I …………. (repair) it.

3. If they were Japanese, they ……….. (not speak) Chinese.

4. If I saw a big spider in my house, I ………… (scream) loudly.

5. The hijackers would threaten us if they ………. (have) a bomb.

6. You would have arrived earlier if you ………….. (catch) a taxi.

7. Eric ………… (win) the race if he had trained better.

8. Kevin will return to the office if his boss ………….. (tell) him so.

9. His mother would let him go to the party if he ………. (get) good marks at the exam.

10. Maria’s friend would have enjoyed the concert if she …..… (go)

LoveSmile7890 LoveSmile7890    1   07.04.2020 04:53    11

Lizasuper2003 Lizasuper2003  12.10.2020 20:51

1. help

2. would repair

3. would not speak

4. would scream

5. had

6. had caught

7. would have won

8. tells

9. got

10. had gone

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