Student exchange programmes provide an incredible opportunity for students of one country to go and study at institutions abroad. At their best, they are culturally satisfying and highly 26 (EDUCATION). For short-term exchange programmes, students may spend just a summer in the host country. For longer-term programmes, students I 27 (GENERAL) live in the host country for 10-12 months. Students are often expected to have a firm grasp of the language before they go. Students from Germany, for example, must usually have the 28 (ABLE) to communicate in English in order to participate in an American exchange programme. It is typical for students to stay with a host family while they are studying abroad. This provides them with the opportunity of learning at close quarters what 29 (DAY) life in the host country is really like. Students enter the host country with a special student visa. Applications can take six to ten months to process, and students must return home once time is up. It is usually 30 (POSSIBLE) for them to stay longer. When students return home, they are sometimes required to share what they have learnt with others. This might be achieved by them giving some kind of 31 (PRESENT) to their tutors or classmates.