Spotlight – 6 test 8 fill in the right word library restaurant barefoot tent palace hotel gallery when we go camping, i always help my dad to put the up. i’m taking this book back to the 3. on holidays we stay in a five-star 4. there is a new painting at the art 5. i’m hungry. can we go to a fast food 6. the queen lives in a 7. she likes to walk in the park, without shoes. 2. match the words to form phrases: 1. electrical a) flats 2. entrance b) pool 3. rubbish c) centre 4. overnight d) store 5. swimming e) appliances 6.department f) tickets 7.sports g) bin 8.block of h) guests

салонки салонки    1   01.08.2019 03:30    28

настя7208 настя7208  03.10.2020 19:21
1. tent, 2. library, 3.hotel,,, 6.palace, // 1. electrical appliances; 2. entrance tickets; 3. rubbish bin; 4. overnight guests ; 5. swimming pool; 6. department store; 7. sports centre; 8.block of flats.
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