Помагите что там нужно выбрать почитайте текст и выбирете ответ Once in the air, Icarus loved the feeling of flying and forgot his father's wise advice. He went higher and higher into the sky, enjoying his freedom, sure that nothing could happen to him. But soon the heat of the sun melted the wax and the feathers started to drop off the wings, one by one. Daedalus was too far awy to help his son. Poor Icarus fell inyo the sea and drowned and all that was left were some feathers floating onthe water. Daedalus was heartbroken when he lost his only son. He named the nearest island Icaria in his memory. And from that dayon, he did not try to fly ever again. Choose events that happened in the text.​

Помагите что там нужно выбрать почитайте текст и выбирете ответ Once in the air, Icarus loved the fe

trokhymukjulia trokhymukjulia    2   25.08.2020 16:09    2

Айхан1111111 Айхан1111111  15.10.2020 16:15

Icarus fell into the sea and drowned

Icarus flew close to the sun and the feathers

Deadalus was heartbroken when he lost his son

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