-Hi, Jack! -Hello, Bill! I shall have a lot of free time next week. Let's go fishing! - OK. That's a nice idea! I'll ask my brother to join us. - Great! I'll buy some food and you'll buy something to drink. - Fine! I'll go home now and check all I need for fishing. When shall we go? - Is Wednesday all right? - Yes! - Shall I call you Tuesday evening ? - Please do. We shall certainly enjoy our time by the river!
-Hello, Bill! I shall have a lot of free time next week. Let's go fishing!
- OK. That's a nice idea! I'll ask my brother to join us.
- Great! I'll buy some food and you'll buy something to drink.
- Fine! I'll go home now and check all I need for fishing. When shall we go?
- Is Wednesday all right?
- Yes!
- Shall I call you Tuesday evening ?
- Please do. We shall certainly enjoy our time by the river!