Составите рассказ о программисте по анг.языку 1-3)предложение-что он делает


Noni234 Noni234    3   22.05.2021 07:56    0

UlianaModerator UlianaModerator  22.05.2021 08:00

A programmer is a specialist who creates the source code for a program. Such a program can be the operating system of a computer, a video game, a web or mobile application, and even an algorithm for the operation of a microwave. The program code is written in a special programming language. It consists of ordinary words and some special characters. Today there are several hundred programming languages, but the most common of them are Java, Python, PHP, C #, JavaScript, C, C ++, Objective-C, Swift. Which programming language to choose, the programmer decides for himself, depending on the specific task (to make a game, an application for the web or a program for the server) and his own knowledge. A qualified programmer can confidently use 2-4 languages.

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