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here come the workmen!
the builder can mend the barn ond the house.

the painter can paint the house .
the plumber can fix the water pipes.
the carpenter can mend the stable and the gate!
alfie, you can help him.
take your ruler. how wide is the gate? how high is it?
i've got my camera. i can take photos.

max and i can write about everything. come on, max!
oh dear, oh dear!
what’s the matter,mr oats?

how can i pay these workmen? i'm not a rich man.

oh dear, oh dear!
there's one thing i can do.
what's that?

i can sell henry.

henry? your beautiful horse? oh no!

zhadanovayuliy zhadanovayuliy    2   08.12.2019 19:04    2

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