Mickey Mouse the Creators of Mickey mouse are Walt Disney and its chief animator AB Iverks • Mickey mouse's birthday is November 18, 1928. At first, Walt Disney wanted to call the mouse Mortimer, but his wife offered her own version - Mickey. * Disney has long voiced Mickey mouse himself in their cartoons. • Mickey's height is 109 cm • Mickey's Weight is 23.5 pounds • Mickey mouse is the logo of the Disney Corporation. In many disney movies, there is the phenomenon of "hidden Mickey" - at an unexpected moment, a shadow or some other composition appears in the frame in the shape of the head and round ears of Mickey mouse.
Mickey Mouse the Creators of Mickey mouse are Walt Disney and its chief animator AB Iverks • Mickey mouse's birthday is November 18, 1928. At first, Walt Disney wanted to call the mouse Mortimer, but his wife offered her own version - Mickey. * Disney has long voiced Mickey mouse himself in their cartoons. • Mickey's height is 109 cm • Mickey's Weight is 23.5 pounds • Mickey mouse is the logo of the Disney Corporation. In many disney movies, there is the phenomenon of "hidden Mickey" - at an unexpected moment, a shadow or some other composition appears in the frame in the shape of the head and round ears of Mickey mouse.