Составить диалог: спросите библиотека, есть ли книга о приключениях. скажите, что вы о ней ничего не слышали. спросите библиотекаря, понравилась ли она ему. спросите, почему он (она) рекомендует эту книгу. скажите, что вы возьмете эту книгу.

slepovairina9 slepovairina9    3   07.06.2019 11:30    1

leraloslerap00mm6 leraloslerap00mm6  07.07.2020 08:17
-Hello! Can u help me to choose the book?
-Hi! Yes, of cours, what genre you are interested in?
-I whant an interesing adventure book.
-One second please. Look, there are two interesting books, written by famous autor Jack London in my hands. They are  White Fang and Hearts of three. U can choose eigher.
-Oh, thanks. But i don't hear anythink about Hearts of three. Can you tell me more about it? And are you enjoyed it? Can u recommend it to me?
-It one of the famous book, written be J. London. As for me, i like it very much, read it then i was only 12 years old and i offered it to all me friends. They were satisfied with it.
I want you to read it and u will have greate emotions. I think it is fit to u.
-Thank u very much for your help. I want to take this book and to read it cover to cover. I think I'll have great emotions as u. Buy!
-Good day, buy!
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