Составить 10 предложений из данных слов,слова в трех формах lose lost lost губити make made made робити meet met met зустричати put put put класти read read read читати ring rang rung дзвонити run run run бигти say said said казати see saw seen бачити send sent sent видсилати

marullens marullens    2   24.05.2019 21:00    3

1) I lost my way when i turned to the right.2)He mad mistake in your homework.3)They met last week.4)Ann put the book on the table.5)We read an interesting book yesterday.6)The phone rings.7)The children run fast.8)I say, take your pen,please.9)I saw a beautifull girl yesterday.10)A secretary sends the fax today.
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