Сделать match these words with their definitions: 1. to hire 2. to record 3. to pirate 4. to ruin 5. to replay to play something again( a football match, a film) so, that it can be looked later. to spoil something, destroy. to use something on payment of some money. to copy and sell the work of other people without permission. to write something on a cassette, computer. надо

sonatap01f6p sonatap01f6p    2   10.08.2019 15:20    2

DAYH228 DAYH228  04.10.2020 09:36
1. to hire To use something on payment of some money.
2. to record To write something on a cassette, computer
3. to pirate To copy and sell the work of other people without permission.
4. to ruin To spoil something, destroy.
5. to replay To play something again( a football match, a film) so, that it can be looked later.
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