с заданиями)

Exercise 4: fill the gaps with prepositions.

1. The development of American architecture covers a period . . . five centuries.

2. The first settlements were established . . .Florida, . . .the Atlantic Coast, . . . New Mexico.

3. . . . the five centuries . . . European arrival, transplanted European building traditions were gradually reshaped and redefined.

4. Distinctly American building traditions emerged . . . the early 19th century.

5. Building parts could be ordered . . . catalogs and shipped . . . rail.

6. A major fire . . . 1871 destroyed downtown Chicago and offered building opportunities . . . American architects.

7. High-rise buildings were devised . . . the United States.

8. This new building type influenced architecture . . . the world.

9. A detached suburban house influenced architecture . . . the United States.

10. European architects brought modernism . . . the United States.

11. American architects work . . . the globe.

Exercise 8: complete the questions and answer them (work in pairs).

1. (Где?) was a skyscraper devised?

2. (Когда?) did the first high-rise buildings emerge?

3. (Кому?) does the honor of the first skyscrapers belong to?

4. (Что?) did he give to urban commercial buildings?

5. (С чем?) does the Sullivan’s carreer converge with?

6. (Какая?) was the challenge of the Chicago School of architects?

7. (Чем?) was this challenge facilitated by?

8. (Какой?) transition did the architects make?

9. (Как?) was the building’s skeleton erected?

10. (Когда?) did American architects move to art deco detailing?

11. (Что?) did skyscrapers in the art deco have?

12. (Какое?) building is the best example of art deco style?

13. (Сколько?) floors does the Empire State Building have?

14. (Как долго?) did the record height remain unsurpassed?

15. (Какое?) building is the tallest in the world?

16. (Где?) is it situated?

17. (Когда?) was it erected?

18. (Кто?) designed it?

19. (Чем?) is Cesar Pelli internationally known for?

20. (За что?) did he draw praise for?

21. (Почему?) are American architects desirable for skyscraper projects?

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