с англ! Examples:
again | it | say - Say it again.
take | seriously | it | so | don't - Don't take it so seriously.
silly | say | things | don't | such
there | look | over | cats | the | at
job | a | soon | find | new
my | tell | don't | parents
and | day | night | it | on | work
me | evening | the | in | call
try | to | teacher | cheat | don't | your anymore | it | about | ask | don't
to | free | me | contact | feel
luggage | don't | unattended | your | leave

kust2 kust2    2   04.12.2021 07:28    0

Chika200616 Chika200616  18.01.2022 20:54

Don't say such silly things.

Look at the cats over there.

Find a new job soon.

Don't tell my parents.

Work on it day and night.

Call me in the evening.

Don't try to cheat your teacher.

Don't ask about it anymore.

Feel free to contact me.

Don't leave your luggage unattended.

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