С! 1 elba is an island the coast of italy. a above b off c at 2 while waiting for her appointment, susie the time reading a magazine. a did b passed c took 3 where did you the ferry to the island? a catch b go c make 4 there was a balcony outside our room which we sat in the evenings. a on b in c down 5 tom went to istanbul on a and he saw the topkapi palace. a voyage b trip c ride 6 birds need to keep their clean. a skin b feathers c fur 7 people aren’t to go into the museum unless they’ve booked in advance. a let b needed c allowed 8 on the way to los angeles, pat in new york. a checked out b took off c stopped over 9 you really wear suncream if you are going to lie in the sun all morning. a have b ought c must 10 the roar of the kept them awake all night. a tiger b shark c parrot 11 mark’s dad is really if mark comes home late from parties. a left-handed b bad-tempered c cross-eyed 12 she walked the station and booked a ticket to madrid. a between b for c into 13 peter to board the plane very early in the morning. a might b had c should 14 lynne worked a lawyer when she was younger. a as b like c such as 15 men to wear a tie to get into that restaurant, even though it’s quite formal. a don’t have b mustn’t c needn’t 16 it’s to swim in the lake as there are hidden rocks. a necessary b forbidden c permitted 17 zenor decided he wanted to be as paul when he was 11. a known b referred c described 18 last year, i and visited portugal. a told the time b spent time c took time off 19 we were the hotel for a week, but only stayed for a couple of days. a got in b booked into c set off 20 as we walked along the ground we saw where the bear’s had left a mark. a paw b beak c horn 21 tony sees his grandma . a in time b from time to time c one at a time 22 harriet a tan while she was on holiday in barbados. a took b got c caught 23 which did you finally decide to go on – the one to the forum or the one to the coliseum? a journey b travel c tour 24 i’ve always thought of myself as a kind of person – one who is happy to accept other people’s ideas easily. a self-confident b broad-minded c sharp-tongued 25 when we went to tokyo we stayed in a student which had 500 rooms. a hostel b campsite c yacht

makc0001 makc0001    3   07.07.2019 03:30    0

Pantiik Pantiik  02.10.2020 21:44
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