Роскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: present cont,present simpl,past simpl,future simpl 1 he(to spend) last summer in the country. 2 he (not to spend) last summer in the country. 3 he (to spend)last summer in the country? 4 where he (to spend) last summer? 5 she (to help) mother yesterday. 6 she (not to help) mother yesterday. 7 she (to help) mother yesterday? 8how she(to help) mother yesterday? 9kate (to cook) dinner everu day. 10kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow. 11kate(to cook)dinner now. 12 kate(to cook)dinner yesterday.

жека569 жека569    1   29.03.2019 16:50    1

мадина523 мадина523  27.05.2020 13:28

1. He spent last summer in the country

2. He didn't spend  last summer in the country

3. Did he spend last summer in the country?

4. Where did he spend last summer?

5. She helped mother yesterday

6. She didn't help mother yesterday

7. Did she help mother yesterday?

8. How did she help mother yesterday?

9. Kate cooks dinner everyday

10. Kate will cook dinner tomorrow

11. Kate is cooking dinner now

12. Kate cooked dinner yesterday 

Стихит Стихит  27.05.2020 13:28

1 He spended  last summer in the country.

2 He didn't  spend last summer in the country.

3Did  He  spend last summer in the country?

4 Where did he  spend last summer?

5 She  helped mother yesterday.

6 She didn"t  help mother yesterday.

7 Did She  help mother yesterday?

8How  did she help mother yesterday?

9Kate  cooks dinner every day.

10Kate will cook dinner tomorrow.

11Kateis cooking dinner now.

12 Kate cooked dinner yesterday.

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