)Заполните пропуск:
1.)Could you repeatthe question please? I'm sоrrу, ... very clearly right now. а) do not think; b) 1 are not thinking; с) 1 am not thinking; d) don't think; е) Im not thinking.
2.)Запо.лните пропуск: The milk is ... the refrigerator. а) to; Ь) of; с) at; d) in; е) from.
3)You сал have ice cream ... you finish your dinner. а) when; Ь) but; с) and; d) or; е) while.
4) Запо.лните пропуск: No, I've never ... а classical music concert. а) beingto; Ь) was to; с) been to; d) gone; е) went to.
5) Запо.лните пропуск: Have you ever ... in that restaurant? а) eat; Ь) going; с) ate; d) went; е) eaten.
6). Запо.лните пропуск: 1 must go home because my husband ... for me. а) are waiting; Ь) am waiting; с) waiting; d) waits; е) is waiting.
7)Запо.лните про пуск: Shhh! Please don't talk so loud; the ЬаЬу ... а) sleeps; Ь) is sleeping; с) are sleeping; d) sleeping; е) sleeping is.
8)Excuse me, where is the post office? -I'm sorry, 1 ... English. а) am not speaking; Ь) speak not; с) no speak; d) don't speak; е) do not speaking.
9)told you ... you didn't listen. а) because; Ь) but; с) for; d) then; е) if. 10)Запо.лните пропуск: The Jones family ... breakfast before leaving for the airport. а) have; Ь) has to; с) had; d) has had; е) has got.
Запо.лните про пуск: Do you know anyone who has а helicopter? -No, I don't know ... а) anyone; Ь) everyone; с) nobody; d) no one; е) someone. 11)Заполните пропуск: I have а Ьig room with а window that opens ... the sea. а) at; Ь) of; с) from; d) outside; е) onto.
12) Заnолните пропуск: What ... when 1 called? а) was you doing; Ь) was do you; с) you were doing; d) were you doing; е) were you do.
13). ЗапОJiните про пуск: Please wait five more minutes; my sister ... а) still dresses; Ь) is still dressing self; с) is getting dressed still; d) still gets dressed; е) is still getting dressed. 14)Заполните пропуск: Very good class, today ... was late. а) someone; Ь) everyone; с) anyone; d) no one; е) this one.

ALEXsf434 ALEXsf434    3   20.05.2020 19:35    79

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