Rewrite the sentences using the word(s) in brackets. 1. We went to the party. We were very tired. (though)
2. She doesn't earn much money. She works very hard. (in spite of)
3. He was ill. He went to work. (despite)
4. This appliance is very expensive. It is impractical. (yet)
5. The teacher explained the question in detail. I didn't understand it. (still)
6. I drank a bottle of water. I was still thirsty. (even though)
7. The film was boning. We continued to watch it. (in spite of)
8. David can't play football. He is good at basketball. (on the other hand)
9. It was very late. The guests didn't leave. (nevertheless)
10. Lisa went shopping. She didn't buy anything. (but)
11. The boy fell off his bicycle. He wasn't hurt. (however)
12. He was tired. He couldn't sleep. (although)
13. Brian is good at Maths. His sister is good at Science. (whereas)
14. Janet is clever. She finds some subjects difficult. (still)
15. He is rich. He is not happy. (despite)

Янепоняла Янепоняла    1   22.10.2020 18:22    127

лнпасми лнпасми  21.11.2020 18:22
Перепишите предложения, используя слово(ы) в скобках.
1. Мы пошли на вечеринку. Мы очень устали. (хотя)
2. Она не зарабатывает много денег. Она очень много работает. (несмотря на)
3. Он был болен. Он принялся за работу. (несмотря на)
4. Этот прибор очень дорог. Это непрактично. (пока)
5. Учитель подробно объяснил вопрос. Я этого не понимал. (до сих пор)
6. Я выпил бутылку воды. Мне все еще хотелось пить. (хотя бы)
7. Фильм был костяк. Мы продолжали наблюдать за ним. (несмотря на)
8. Дэвид не может играть в футбол. Он хорошо играет в баскетбол. (с другой стороны)
9. Было уже очень поздно. Гости не уходили. (однако)
10. Лиза отправилась за покупками. Она ничего не покупала. (но)
11. Мальчик упал с велосипеда. Он не пострадал. (однако)
12. Он был уставшим. Он не мог уснуть. (хотя)
13. Брайан хорошо разбирается в математике. Его сестра хороша в науке. (поскольку)
14. Джанет умна. Она находит некоторые предметы трудными. (до сих пор)
15. Он богат. Он не счастлив. (несмотря на)
zekisroman zekisroman  15.01.2024 20:46
1. We went to the party, though we were very tired.
Explanation: The word "though" is used to show contrast between two ideas. In this sentence, it shows that even though they were tired, they still went to the party.

2. In spite of not earning much money, she works very hard.
Explanation: The phrase "in spite of" is used to show that something happens despite a particular condition or obstacle. In this sentence, it shows that even though she doesn't earn much money, she still works hard.

3. Despite being ill, he went to work.
Explanation: The word "despite" is similar to "in spite of" and is used to show that something happens regardless of a particular condition. In this sentence, it shows that even though he was ill, he still went to work.

4. This appliance is very expensive, yet it is impractical.
Explanation: The word "yet" is used to show a contrast between two ideas. In this sentence, it shows that even though the appliance is expensive, it is still impractical.

5. The teacher explained the question in detail, yet I didn't understand it.
Explanation: The word "still" is used to show that something is surprising or unexpected. In this sentence, it shows that even though the teacher explained the question in detail, the person still didn't understand it.

6. I drank a bottle of water, even though I was still thirsty.
Explanation: The phrase "even though" is used to show a contrast between two ideas. In this sentence, it shows that even though the person drank a bottle of water, they were still thirsty.

7. The film was boring, in spite of which we continued to watch it.
Explanation: The phrase "in spite of" is used to show that something happens despite a particular condition or obstacle. In this sentence, it shows that even though the film was boring, they still continued to watch it.

8. David can't play football, on the other hand, he is good at basketball.
Explanation: The phrase "on the other hand" is used to introduce a contrasting idea. In this sentence, it shows that even though David can't play football, he is good at basketball.

9. It was very late, nevertheless, the guests didn't leave.
Explanation: The word "nevertheless" is used to show that something happens despite what was mentioned before. In this sentence, it shows that even though it was very late, the guests still didn't leave.

10. Lisa went shopping, but she didn't buy anything.
Explanation: The word "but" is used to show a contrast between two ideas. In this sentence, it shows that even though Lisa went shopping, she didn't buy anything.

11. The boy fell off his bicycle, however, he wasn't hurt.
Explanation: The word "however" is used to show a contrast between two ideas. In this sentence, it shows that even though the boy fell off his bicycle, he wasn't hurt.

12. He was tired, although he couldn't sleep.
Explanation: The word "although" is used to show a contrast between two ideas. In this sentence, it shows that even though he was tired, he couldn't sleep.

13. Brian is good at Maths, whereas his sister is good at Science.
Explanation: The word "whereas" is used to show a contrast or comparison between two things. In this sentence, it shows that Brian is good at Maths, while his sister is good at Science.

14. Janet is clever, still she finds some subjects difficult.
Explanation: The word "still" is used to show that something is surprising or unexpected. In this sentence, it shows that even though Janet is clever, she still finds some subjects difficult.

15. He is rich, despite not being happy.
Explanation: The word "despite" is similar to "in spite of" and is used to show that something happens regardless of a particular condition. In this sentence, it shows that even though he is rich, he is still not happy.
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