1. It ... today. Take your umbrella with you. – Сегодня может пойти дождь. Возьми с собой зонт. may will rain

may raining

may rain

2. I am afraid you ... earlier today. – Боюсь, сегодня у тебя может не получится уйти пораньше.

mayn't leave

might not leave

leave may not

3. ... , I couldn’t make her come. – Как бы я ни старалась, я не смогла убедить ее прийти.

try I might

trying as I might

try as I might

4. You ... here, it’s against the rules. – Вы не можете здесь парковаться, это против правил.

might park

may park

may not park

5. ... have a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year! – Будьте здоровы, счастливы и успешны в новом году!

may you

might you

you may

6. When I was 18 I ... to the parties whenever I wanted to. – В 18 лет я мог ходить на вечеринки, когда бы мне ни захотелось.

may go

may have gone

might go

7. You ... me! You saw I didn’t know the answer! – Мог бы и мне! Ты же видел, что я не знал ответа.

might have helped

may helped

might helped

8. You ... your own business, if you were ambitious. – Ты мог бы начать свой бизнес, если бы ты был амбициозным.

may set up

might have set up

might set up

9. I can’t pay for my study at university. I ... a gap year and earn some money. – Я не могу заплатить за учебу в университете. Я вполне могу взять годовой перерыв и заработать денег.

might as well take

as well might take

as might take

10. You ... from the stairs! Why do you always need to hurry? – Ты могла упасть с лестницы! Почему ты всегда торопишься?

might fell

might have fallen

may have fallen

homictana0 homictana0    2   28.04.2021 12:37    41

murat200202 murat200202  27.01.2024 14:15
1. It may rain today. Take your umbrella with you. – Сегодня может пойти дождь. Возьми с собой зонт.
Explanation: The correct answer is "may rain" because we are expressing the possibility of rain happening in the future, so we use "may" followed by the base form of the verb "rain".

2. I am afraid you might not leave earlier today. – Боюсь, сегодня у тебя может не получится уйти пораньше.
Explanation: The correct answer is "might not leave" because we are expressing a possibility that the person may not be able to leave earlier today. "Might not" is used to indicate a negative possibility.

3. Try as I might, I couldn’t make her come. – Как бы я ни старалась, я не смогла убедить ее прийти.
Explanation: The correct answer is "try as I might" because we are emphasizing the effort made to convince her to come. "Try as I might" is an expression used to convey the idea of making a great effort.

4. You may not park here, it’s against the rules. – Вы не можете здесь парковаться, это против правил.
Explanation: The correct answer is "may not park" because we are stating that parking is not allowed in this specific location. "May not" is used to express prohibition.

5. May you have a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year! – Будьте здоровы, счастливы и успешны в новом году!
Explanation: The correct answer is "may you" because this is a phrase used to express good wishes for someone's well-being in the future.

6. When I was 18, I might go to the parties whenever I wanted to. – В 18 лет я мог ходить на вечеринки, когда бы мне ни захотелось.
Explanation: The correct answer is "might go" because we are talking about the ability to go to parties whenever desired in the past. "Might go" is used to express the possibility or ability to do something in the past.

7. You might have helped me! You saw I didn’t know the answer! – Мог бы и мне! Ты же видел, что я не знал ответа.
Explanation: The correct answer is "might have helped" because it expresses a missed opportunity to help. The person is expressing regret that the other person did not offer assistance when they clearly needed it.

8. You might have set up your own business if you were ambitious. – Ты мог бы начать свой бизнес, если бы ты был амбициозным.
Explanation: The correct answer is "might have set up" because we are talking about a hypothetical situation in the past. "Might have set up" is used to express the possibility of starting a business if certain conditions were met.

9. I can’t pay for my study at university. I might as well take a gap year and earn some money. – Я не могу заплатить за учебу в университете. Я вполне могу взять годовой перерыв и заработать денег.
Explanation: The correct answer is "might as well take" because it expresses the idea of considering an alternative action when the current situation is difficult or not feasible.

10. You might have fallen from the stairs! Why do you always need to hurry? – Ты могла упасть с лестницы! Почему ты всегда торопишься?
Explanation: The correct answer is "might have fallen" because we are expressing the possibility of someone falling from the stairs in the past. "Might have fallen" is used to talk about an event that possibly happened but there is no certainty.
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