Rewrite the sentences using have something done. don't change the tense used in the original sentence. 1. an optican is testing her eyes > she is having her eyes tested
2. a doctor is going to check peter's heart
3. they have installed a new sink in our kitchen
4. somebody should dye your hair
5. a locksmith will change all the locks in my house
6. they deliver milk to my aunt's house every day

Otlichnik1703 Otlichnik1703    1   12.04.2021 14:16    31

Методист228 Методист228  22.01.2024 13:40
1. She is having her eyes tested by an optician.
Explanation: In the original sentence, the optician is the one performing the action of testing the eyes. In the rewritten sentence, we use the structure "have + object + past participle" to indicate that she is having someone else (the optician) perform the action of testing her eyes.

2. Peter is going to have his heart checked by a doctor.
Explanation: In the original sentence, the doctor is the one performing the action of checking the heart. In the rewritten sentence, we use the structure "have + object + past participle" to indicate that Peter is going to have someone else (the doctor) perform the action of checking his heart.

3. We have had a new sink installed in our kitchen.
Explanation: In the original sentence, the action of installing the sink in the kitchen has been completed. In the rewritten sentence, we use the structure "have + object + past participle" to indicate that someone else has performed the action of installing the new sink in our kitchen.

4. You should have your hair dyed by somebody.
Explanation: In the original sentence, the action of dyeing your hair has not been performed yet. In the rewritten sentence, we use the structure "have + object + past participle" to suggest that someone else should perform the action of dyeing your hair.

5. I will have all the locks in my house changed by a locksmith.
Explanation: In the original sentence, the locksmith is the one performing the action of changing all the locks. In the rewritten sentence, we use the structure "have + object + past participle" to indicate that I will have someone else (the locksmith) perform the action of changing all the locks in my house.

6. Milk is delivered to my aunt's house every day.
Explanation: In the original sentence, the action of delivering milk to my aunt's house is performed by an unspecified subject. In the rewritten sentence, we do not use the structure "have + object + past participle" because there is no need to specify that someone else is performing the action.
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